13-15 November 2023  |  Monterrey, Mexico

Crowne Plaza Monterrey Centro Hotel

ITC Monterrey Press Release
WAI draws 200+ participants to its International Technical Conference
and Suppliers Market in Monterrey, Mexico
Click to see full article

Welcome to Monterrey 

Antonio Ayala“Monterrey is the center for manufacturing in Mexico and a critical component of the North American supply chain. The supply-chain disruptions over the past several years are proving to be a longer-term opportunity for Mexico’s economy… Monterrey is also the home of three leading wire and cable companies: Viakable, Condumex Group, and DeAcero and many other companies. These are global brands that have their roots in Monterrey...

An educational plant tour is offered to the Viakable aluminum continuous casting facility and its Tech Center.

I hope to visit with you in Monterrey on November 13-15 for this well-balanced program of technical and business sessions so we can keep moving the great industry forward.”

Excerpts from Wire Journal International by
2009 WAI President Antonio Ayala

Conference Committee
Special thanks go to 2009 WAI Past President Antonio Ayala; Raύl Garcia director of technology and engineering, Viakable; and Eugenio Urbina, director business development, Troester, for their valuable contributions to the organization of this conference.

Questions? Email info@wirenet.org